

发布时间:2023-10-13 23:49    浏览次数:
姓名 陈凯 性别 出生年月 1987年9月
民族 籍贯 河南洛阳 政治面貌 中共党员
部门 食品科学与工程系 职称 讲师 职务
办公地址 河南农业大学文化路校区13#510 办公电话 0371-63558150 E-mail kaichen@henau.edu.cn
教授课程  《食品生物技术》、《食品工程制图CAD》、《食品智能加工应用》、《食品物联网概论》
研究方向 合成微生物组,深度学习,群体感应,葡萄酒风味形成机理
教育经历 2018.9 – 2022.6:中国农业大学,工学博士;
2014.9 – 2015.7:Montpellier SupAgro,Vinifera Euromaster研修;
2012.9 – 2014.7:甘肃农业大学,农学硕士;
2010.9 – 2012.7:南阳理工学院,工学学士。
工作经历 2022.10 – 至今:河南农业大学,js6666金沙登录入口-欢迎您,讲师;
2024.9 – 2025.9:第22批省派博士服务团,成员;
2022.9 – 至今:河南农业大学,动物医学院,博士后;
2017.4 – 2017.10:洛阳大华重型机械设备有限公司,翻译;
2016.2 – 2017.2:Polytechnic University of Madrid,科研助理;
2015.8 – 2015.11:Porto Cruz葡萄酒公司,酿酒师。
  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32472315,在研,主持;
  2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2024M750810,在研,主持;
  3. 河南省科技攻关项目,242102110104,在研,主持;
  4. 河南农业大学高层次人才专项支持基金,111/30501406,在研,主持;
  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32172333,在研,参与。
论文论著 发表科研论文20余篇,参编外文专著3部,授权国家发明专利3项,主要成果如下:
  1. Kai Chen, Shuang Qiu, Cuiping Liu, Lei Zhang, Xugao Wu, Liyan Ma, Jingming Li, 2022, Abiotic factors play important roles in complexity and characterization of aroma precursors in Vidal blanc grape, Food Research International, 112015.
  2. Kai Chen, Lei Zhang, Shuang Qiu, Xugao Wu, Jingming Li, Liyan Ma, 2022, Freeze–thaw Cycles Characterize Varietal Aroma of Vidal Blanc Grape during Late Harvest by Shaping Self-assembled Microeukaryotic Communities. Food Chemistry. 384.
  3. Kai Chen, Chang Liu, Yingxiang Wang, Zichen Wang, Fangkun Li, Liyan Ma, Jingming Li, 2021, Predominance of Indigenous Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts in The Traditional Fermentation of Greengage Wine and Their Significant Contribution to The Evolution of Terpenes And Ethyl Esters. Food Research International. 143.
  4. Kai Chen, Jingfang Wen, Liyan Ma, Haichao Wen, Jingming Li, 2019, Dynamic changes in norisoprenoids and phenylalanine-derived volatiles in off-vine Vidal blanc grape during late harvest. Food Chemistry. 289, 645-656.
  5. Kai Chen, Escott, C., Loira, I., del Fresno, J.M., Morata, A., Tesfaye, W., Calderon, F., Suárez-Lepe, J.A., Han, S., Benito, S., 2018, Use of non-Saccharomyces yeasts and oenological tannin in red winemaking: Influence on colour, aroma and sensorial properties of young wines. Food Microbiology. 69, 51-63.
  6. Kai Chen, Li, S., J Li., & Ma, L., 2021, Feasibility of using gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry to identify characteristic volatile compounds related to brandy aging. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 98.
  7. Kai Chen, Escott C, Loira I, del Fresno JM, Morata A, Tesfaye W, Calderon F, Benito S, Suárez-Lepe JA. The Effects of Pre-Fermentative Addition of Oenological Tannins on Wine Components and Sensorial Qualities of Red Wine. 2016, Molecules. ; 21(11):1445.
  8. Kai Chen, Shun-yu Han, Bo Zhang, Min Li, Wen-jun Sheng, 2015. Development of lysozyme-combined antibacterial system to reduce sulfur dioxide and to stabilize Italian Riesling ice wine during aging process. Food Science & Nutrition. 3(5).
  9. Kai Chen, Shun-Yu Han, Min Li, Wen-Jun Sheng, 2016. Use of Lysozyme and Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin to Reduce Sulfur Dioxide and the Evolution of Volatile Compounds in Italian Riesling Ice Wine During Aging Process: Use of Lysozyme and OPC to Reduce SO2. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation.
  10. Kai Chen, Chapter 8–Characteristic Metabolites Drive the Self-Assembly of Microeukaryotic Communities during Spontaneous Fermentation of Icewine, 2024, New Advances in Saccharomyces, IntechOpen, ISBN 978-0-85466-127-5.
  11. Kai Chen, Jingming Li, Chapter 24 – A Glance of White Wine Aroma, 2021, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-12-823497-6.
  12. Zichen Wang, Kai Chen, Chang Liu, Effects of glycosidase on glycoside-bound aroma compounds in grape and cherry juice. Journal of food science and technology, 2023, 60(2):761-771.
  13. Ma Tengzhen, Kai Chen, Hao Yan, Han Shunyu, Bi Yang, Chapter 24 – Red Winemaking in Cold Regions With Short Maturity Periods, 2019, Red Wine Technology, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-12-814399-5.
学术交流经历 第八届中国创新挑战赛(宁夏);
荣誉称号 河南省优秀科技特派员;