

发布时间:2023-10-13 23:50    浏览次数:
姓名 白歌 性别 出生年月 1988.04
民族 回族 籍贯 河南郑州 政治面貌 中共党员
部门 食品科学与工程系 职称 讲师 职务  
办公地址 文化路校区13号楼 办公电话 0371-63558150 E-mail baige@henau.edu.cn
教授课程 食品分析与检验
研究方向 食用油脂化学及加工工艺技术、天然植物活性成分提取技术
教育经历 2018-09至2022-06,河南工业大学,食品科学与工程,博士
工作经历 2023-02至今:河南农业大学,js6666金沙登录入口-欢迎您,讲师
科研项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目,非均相体系中玉米油甾醇与甾醇酯迁移变化规律及调控 (No.31972110),参与。
论文论著 1. Ge Bai, Chuan-Guo Ma, Xiao-Wei Chen, Yu-Yuan Hu, Shu-Jing Guo. Thermal Degradation of Stigmasterol under the Deodorisation Temperature Exposure Alone and in Edible Corn Oil. Food Chemistry, 2022, 370, 131030.
2. Ge Bai, Chuan-Guo Ma, Yu-Yuan Hu, Shu-Jing Guo, Tong Wang. Chemical conversions of free phytosterols during the bleaching of corn oil. Food Chemistry, 2023, 412, 135512.
3. Ge Bai, Chuan-Guo Ma, Xiao-Wei Chen, Lu-Lu Jing, Ya-Peng Yan. Molecular Insight in the Loss of Phytosterols during Neutralization of Corn Oil. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2022, 154, 112767.
4. Ge Bai, Chuan-Guo Ma, Xiao-Wei Chen. Effect of Unsaturation of Free Fatty Acids and Phytosterols on the Formation of Esterified Phytosterols during Deodorization of Corn Oil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101(7), 2736-2743.
5. Ge Bai, Chuanguo Ma, Xiaowei Chen. Phytosterols in Edible Oil: Distribution, Analysis and Variation during Processing. Grain & Oil Science and Technology, 2021, 4(1), 33-44.
6. Yu-Yuan Hu, Chuan-Guo Ma, Tan-Ling Zhou, Ge Bai, Shu-Jing Guo, Xiao-Wei Chen. Enzymatic synthesis of hydrophilic phytosterol polyol esters and assessment of their bioaccessibility and uptake using an in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell model[J]. Food Chemistry, 2022, 270, 131324.
7. Yu-Yuan Hu, Chuanguo Ma, Xiaowei Chen, Ge Bai, Shujing Guo. Catalyst-free synthesis of phytosterol diacid monoesters and their competitive effect on the solubilization of cholesterol in model bile mixed micelles[J]. Food Science, 2022, 1-12.
8. 景璐璐,魏佳丽,白歌,胡毓元,马传国. 脱臭过程中保留米糠油中植物甾醇的工艺优化[J]. 中国油脂, 2021, 3(46), 3-7.
成果奖励 Grain & Oil Science and Technology Annual Awards (2022), Excellent Article.
学术交流经历 2021年中国粮油学会油脂分会第三十届学术年会暨产品展示会
荣誉称号 2022年河南工业大学优秀博士学位论文,一等奖